Design Aesthetic

Design is the process of conceiving or inventing ideas mentally and communicating those ideas to others in a form that is easily understood. Most often the communications tool is graphics. Design is used for two primary purposes: personal expression, and product or proccss dcvelopment (Figure 2.1). Design for personal expression. usually associated with art. is divided into concrete (realistic) and abstract dcsign and is uften a source uf beauty and intercst (Figure 2.2). Whcn a design servcs some useful purpose. such asthe shape of a ncw automobile wheel. it is classified as a design for product or process development (Figllre 2.3). Aesthetic design is concerned with the look and feel of a product. Industrial designers specialize in the aesthetic qualities of products. as well as other clements related to human-machine functionality. Functional design is concerned with the function of a product or process. Airflow over an automobile is an example of a fllnctional design element. Most engineers are con~~erned with functional elements (Figure 2.4). Many products will have both aesthetic and functional design elements. requiring the engineers and designers to work as a ieam to produce a product or system thaI is both runctional and aeslhetically pleasing (Figure 2.5). 
The Engineering Design Process
Fundamentals of Graphics Communication,3/e
The McGraw-Hill Companies,200

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