Calculations and Significant Figures

The discussion in this section applies to real numbers, not integers. The accuracy of a real number depends on the number of significant figures describing the number. Usually, but not always, three or four significant figures are necessary for engineering accuracy. Unless otherwise stated, no less than three significant figures should be used in your calculations.
The number of significant figures is usually inferred by the number of figures given
(except for leading zeros). For example, 706, 3.14, and 0.002 19 are assumed to be numbers with three significant figures. For trailing zeros, a little more clarification is necessary.
To display 706 to four significant figures insert a trailing zero and display either 706.0, 7.060 × 102, or 0.7060 × 103. Also, consider a number such as 91 600. Scientific notation should be used to clarify the accuracy. For three significant figures express the number as 91.6 × 103. For four significant figures express it as 91.60 × 103.
Computers and calculators display calculations to many significant figures. However, you should never report a number of significant figures of a calculation any greater than the smallest number of significant figures of the numbers used for the calculation. Of course, you should use the greatest accuracy possible when performing a calculation. For example, determine the circumference of a solid shaft with a diameter of d = 0.40 in. The
circumference is given by C = πd. Since d is given with two significant figures, C should be reported with only two significant figures. Now if we used only two significant figures for π our calculator would give C = 3.1 (0.40) = 1.24 in. This rounds off to two significant figures as C = 1.2 in. However, using π = 3.141 592 654 as programmed in the calculator, C = 3.141 592 654 (0.40) = 1.256 637 061 in. This rounds off to C = 1.3
in, which is 8.3 percent higher than the first calculation. Note, however, since d is given with two significant figures, it is implied that the range of d is 0.40 ± 0.005. This means that the calculation of C is only accurate to within ±0.005/0.40 = ±0.0125 = ±1.25%.
The calculation could also be one in a series of calculations, and rounding each calculation separately may lead to an accumulation of greater inaccuracy. Thus, it is considered good engineering practice to make all calculations to the greatest accuracy possible and report the results within the accuracy of the given input.

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