Machining is the process of making things work with perautan (remove unwanted material from the workpiece in the form of chips). If the body is metal work, there is often known as metal cutting or metal removal. Chip Formation Process There are 7 basic process of chip formation, namely: Shaping, Turning, Milling, Drilling, Sawing, Broaching, and Grinding (Abrasive Machining). In the process of cutting metal will always be the term: Speed, Feed and Depth of Cut for explaining the problem illustrations will use Turning process. SPEED (V) is the main piece in which movement associated with the workpiece rotational speed of the chisel cut. Unit: Surface Feet Per Minute (SFPM), Inch Per Minute (In / M), Meters Per Minute (M / M). FEED is the amount of material lost per round. In the process of turning movement parallel to the axis of rotation Feed workpiece. Unit: Inch Per Round (In / Rev), Cycle Per Inch, Inch Per Minute, Tooth Per Inch.


Steel is a compound of iron (Fe) and Carbon (C), which often also added the element chromium (Cr), Nickel (Ni), Vanadium (V), Molybdaen (Mo) and others to get certain properties desired on the application in the field, such as anti-corrosion properties, heat resistance, high temperature resistant. Compared to other types of metals (eg Aluminium, Copper, etc.) then the iron / steel is the material most widely produced in the world today. Statistics show that 92% of the world is the use of metallic iron / steel. In 1998, production Rohstahl / raw steel (raw steel) amounting to 750 million tonnes. Because of the large market share of this steel, the advanced countries in the steel industry are competing to create a new engineering-engineering in the production process. The goal is to get good quality steel with a relatively cheap price. One of the important intermediate product is steel plate (strip, plate, sheet) with a wide variety of thicknesses. Steel plates are widely used as a raw material for production of car body of a car, train, to kitchen utensils. Conventional process of manufacturing steel plates are usually as follows: The first time, liquid steel cast by the method Strangguss / continuous casting. From here the obtained results in the form of steel bars (slabs) with a thickness of 150 to 320 mm. The next process is the thinning of the thickness with a rolling mill in order to obtain a thin slab 2 to 20 mm. One way of simplification of production is to create a continuous casting installation capable of producing steel with a thickness below 150-320 mm. Since 1980, has successfully cast steel bar with a thickness below 25 mm (eg CPR method). Thus could be savings in the process of rolling. Since these fifteen years the Institute for metal forming (IBF), RWTH Aachen University of Technology, Germany in cooperation with Thyssen Krupp Stahl AG (TKS) tried to do a new breakthrough in the production of strips (thin steel plates). This new breakthrough has actually only dream of long ago by Sir Henry Bessemer in 1891. Experts from the British steel has even patented the design and installation of thin steel-making process known as "double-roller process." In this principle, liquid steel cast in between two rollers (cylinders) water-cooled, rotating in opposite directions. The thickness of steel plates produced depends on setting a gap between the two cylinders. Another factor affecting the geometry of the product is spread pressure (pressure) between the slit and also the spread of temperature in the cylinder. The next stage, steel plates passed on cooling (water), then through the cold rolling, and finally rolled up (coiling). With this method, have been successfully cast in steel plates with thickness below 3-4 mm, so only with the process of rolling one step can be obtained steel with thickness as the finished product. The principle of this new double-roller process can be realized in the late 20th century along with the progress of computerization in the field of control and measurement technology. In this world, according to one researcher from TKS AG, this method was developed in Italy, Australia, Japan, and Germany. While the USA would prefer to buy the works from Australia. Until now, each competing with each other, and each other to hide the results have been achieved. TKS AG itself has created an installation in thin strip casting (casting thin steel plates) with a double roller method in one of its factories in the town of Krefeld, Germany. On December 10, 1999 has done a test installation first time, with the result of thick steel plates 3 mm, width 1100 mm, weight 36 ton. The material is cast steel of the type of stainless-steel. Later, Krefeld will produce strip with a thickness of 1.5 to 4.5 mm, width 1050 up to 1350 mm, with a speed of 100 meters per minute

Industrial product design

In line with the progress of industrialization, a product is required not only has economical and technical functions merely the fulfillment of physical needs, but also to answer the demand for a symbolic function, beauty, comfort, and convenience. The problem that then arises is why there are products that are superior to other products, while the specifications are almost the same. Above phenomenon causes a demand for industrial designs that can meet the real needs of consumers in the competitive market.

Industrial product design is an extensive activity in technological innovation. The moves include product design product development process by considering the functionality, usability, production processes and technologies, marketing and improvements to benefits and aesthetics of industrial products.

To improve competitiveness, quality and productivity, needed a research activity and development of new products. It is anticipated by the industrial product design education. Judging from the type of activities, the scope of the profession is divided into three major groups:

1. Design products include:

Furniture, household equipment, electronics, medical and hospital equipment, office supplies, building components, sports equipment and hobbies, crafts, etc..

2. Design of environmental facilities include:

Sports and recreation facilities, urban information systems, tools and utilities of the city, shelter and means of foot-five, farming equipment, farming and forestry, etc.
3. The design of transportation include:
Passenger cars, family cars, buses, public transport, trucks, transport of goods, interior share the type of transportation equipment, firefighters, airport buses, garbage units, transport facilities and other environments.
Studies of industrial product design is one of support for an industrial engineering degree. In the process of planning and production control, industrial engineering graduates is expected to formulate a concept of some form of integrated production systems in terms of product design, tools, and functions, as described above. In this case, an IT graduate is expected to interact with scholars from other fields to achieve a tangible result.
A designer of industrial products are expected to possess and develop the characteristics of creative, original, and have the ability in processing the form, capable of working together in multidisciplinary, familiar environment and cultural characteristics, controls applied in the field of ergonomics and marketing, and able mempresntasikan ideas systematically and clearly.
Currently, in industrialized countries, the profession of industrial design is one of the chain backbone in the industry working hand in hand with the engineers, architects, economists, ergonom, material experts, scientists, even with the artists to deliver a specific requirement. In other words, a product designer is a figure that bridges the interests of producers and consumers. In Indonesia alone is estimated to total production designer is still limited. In addition, the expected contribution is still not evident, given that most of our industry is still making raw materials.
But in the future of this profession is expected to contribute significantly to the sustainability of industry in Indonesia, so as to produce comparative and competitive advantage in the like product. Activities at the stage of product design R & D / product development to define industrial products. This activity is the key, the concept and developed the product strategy. Industrialized countries will not release these activities, in addition to business networking and marketing are also retained.

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  • Injection Molding PROCESS

    Use of goods made of plastic from time to time shows rapid growth, widespread almost all sectors of human life such as the use for: equipment and household goods including clothing and equipment for cosmetics, equipment and office supplies, facilities in education, building , transformation, electrical and electronic equipment, automotive, aircraft, agriculture and fisheries sector and many other uses. This is because plastic has the ability to substitute materials made from wood, metals, rubber, leather, glass and others. Along premises developments use plastic, plastic industry and the development of processing facilities has grown rapidly plastikpun. In the processing of plastic into a plastic goods known to have some type of plastic processing machines like: thermoforming, Extrusion, blowmolding, injection molding, tubes and more. From a group of plastic processing machines may be grouped based on the work process that is continually working engine and machine work cycle, including injection molding machine that processes at work in cycles. Injection molding machine has the function to change the plastic material of the form of granules [plastic seed] or puder into plastic goods that have a shape. Of the many plastic products represents nearly 80% of plastic products. The process is a plastic material in the form of granules or puder was heated to be melted, then injected with the aid of screw drive plunger into the hollow mold and cooled, then frozen plastic Limer. Hardened and shaped according to the shape of the cavity, the last product released. Step-by-step process is called a cycle, ie the process step to the original will always be repeated when the one-step operation is completed. The quality of the results of the process [product] will depend on engine operating conditions, the quality of processed materials mold / molds and conditions of the machine itself, where the condition of the engine would be better if all the components or parts of machinery and mold works well and balanced. Process injection molding machine a) Matter is closed and restrained, the material has been injected into the mold / mold. b) Screw moved back, a replacement of down and get into the cylinder and collected in the space in front of the cylinder. c) The result of the process (product) in the remove from the mold / molds.

    The Bending Process

    INTENT The intents of this part of the tutorial are to discuss some basic mechanical concepts used in describing bending of sheet metal and to introduce a limiting condition on the amount of deformation that can be imposed in bending. A superficial summary is
    - how can deformation be described?
    - what is the minimum bend radius that can be produced?
    Bending is one of the most common metalworking operations. Parts are made by bending of sheet stock and bending also is a component of more complex sheet metal forming operatins. Bending is the plastic deformation of metals about a linear axis called the bending axis with little or no change in the surface area. When multiple bends are made simultaneously using a die, the process is sometimes called forming. What distinguishes bending is that the bend axes are linear and independent. Independence means that bending about one axis has no effect on the bending about the other axis. For example, a blank with four separate tags along the edges of a rectangular section can be bent into a box by bending each tab separately. In contrast, forming a box or rectangular pan from a rectangular sheet by using a punch and die is called a drawing operation. The corners of the pan are formed simultaneously and the deformation around a corner is determined by both edges and how they interact at the corner. If the axes of deformation are not linear or are not independent, the process becomes drawing and/or stretching, not bending.
    The bending process is used not only to form parts such as angle sections, flanges, seams, and corrugations, but also to impart stiffness to the part by increasing its moment of inertia. Often changes in cross section shape can lead to increasing section stiffness without the addition of material.
    The major concerns in bending are springback, the minimum length of workpiece needed to form a complex shape, the minimum bend radius possible the forces required. In this tutorial, we first present an overview of the deformation imposed in bending with an example of the shifting of neutral axis and its effects on bent part dimensions. We then define the strain imposed in bending since this quantity is needed to describe the details of the process. With a definition of strain and a material failure condition we can determine the minimum bend radius. Finally, the problem of springback in bending is discussed and strategies to compensate for springback are presented.
    Deformation in the Bending Process
    In shearing a part of the blank is held and force applied to the other part of the blank. We can imagine that if the clearance is increased sufficiently, the result will be plastic deformation of the metals rather than material shearing and fracture. The figure at the right illustrates the forces applied during bending in V-dies, wiping dies, and U-dies. We can also imagine that when the tooling is retracted from the bent workpiece some elastic recovery or springback will occur. The final part shape will not be the shape of the blank as it is held in the die. The obvious solution to this springback problem is to overbend the workpiece. The amount of overbend is the real question and a process model which can predict this is useful.
    The tooling used in bending operations results in the metal being deformed in localized areas only. The localized stresses occur only in the bend radius. The remaining flat part of the blank is not stressed during bending. The stresses acting in bending are illustrated in the following figures. The metal on the outside of the bend radius is stretched or elongated. The metal on the inside is compressed. If blank fracturing occurs during bending, it will occur at the outside bend surface. A process model which decribes strain in the bent region and a failure criterion can be used to predict the minimum bend radius (maximum strain) which can be produced. Any wrinkling will occur on the inside surface of the bend. This wrinkling also has to be taken into account when designing parts and processes but is usually less of a concern than is outside bend fracture.
    During bending, one area of the blank is usually held stationary by a pressure plate called a pad. A local region of the blank is bent and the free blank areas move up or down to create the change in contour. This free metal movement is often called swinging and is a characteristic common only to bending operations. In design of a bending die, the swinging action must be predicted so that no obstacles are placed in the way. Because of this metal movement, the larger area of the blank is usually held stationary and the smaller blank area is alloowed to move.
    (fr Jun Du and Barney E. Klamecki)
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  • What is product design?

    Product Design, or in scientific language is also called Industrial Product Design, is a scientific field or profession that determines the shape / form of a product manufacturing, processing forms to fit the wearer and in accordance with the production process capability in the producing industry.
    For example: product designers to design a chair not only looks good chair, but also to comfortably sit on and easy to produce.
    The basic purpose of all efforts made by an / a team of product designers in the works is to make life more comfortable, pleasant and efficient. A comfortable office chair, a comfortable kitchen knife used by elderly people and a safe toy to play and can stimulate children to learn are examples of the creations of the designers of products which produced the study the human when they conduct their activities in work, at home , or in other places. By studying the parts of products that interact directly with human users, it is hoped can be generated in addition to products that are safe to users is also safe for the environment. At the end of the touch of a / team product designer who was born an elegant product that makes people want to buy it.
    Product designers can also work outside the scope of a product, including packaging, exhibitions, interiors, and, in some cases, corporate identity. Furthermore, with information technology which progressively evolved into complex, product designers can also work to simplify softwareyang run a variety of products.
    A product designers equipped with the mindset to seek a better way to do something innovative. They approached his work as a system of problem solving by asking the question "how people want to travel?" and not directly stated "Let's build more cars."
    To answer such questions, product designers to develop and explore the wide scope of alternatives through drawings and models, and then directionally menyempitkankan designs by making an alternative selection through benchmark tests users' needs and manufacturing capabilities.
    The term "Industrial Product Design" or "Industrial Design" first appeared in the early 20th century as a preliminary description of the creative process undertaken by the individual artist against goods produced in bulk. To overcome rumitnyanya a mass production process, product designers work with other professions involved to produce, develop and manufacture products. Professions such as marketing experts, engineers, manufacturing engineers and programmers design software. Together with the science of human factors specialists, product designers conduct usability tests to ensure that the products of a product can meet the needs, desires, and expectations of their users, and they often rearrange the components or parts to make products more efficiently for produced and easy to be assembled, repaired and recycled.
    Industrial product design connects knowledge about technology and visual arts with the knowledge of mankind. As a complement of general understanding about the science of physics, engineering principles, ergonomic, aesthetic, and material and prodes industry, industrial product designers must have a solid foundation in the social sciences, like psychology, sociology and anthropology and the art of communication, such as photography , video, print and electronic media.

    What skills will be developed, owned and must be owned by a product designer?
    - Creative problem solving skills
    - The ability to pour out the concepts with quick sketches
    - The ability to communicate verbally and written with good
    - Computer skills in programs and 3D vector base
    Moreover, to deal with competition and product design graduates criticism also basically had 6 something important:
    (Mizan Allan de Neve)
    1. Science (product design - as mentioned above)
    2. Intellectual (scientific thinking skills, creative-innovative-alternative)
    3. Talents (product concept, drawings, models, computer)
    4. Participatory (the concept of problem solving. Plans and reviews, making decisions)
    5. Speak Up (able to express an opinion)
    6. Open Mind (able to accept the changes and feedback)

    Anyone who employs a designer product?
    Product designers have the opportunity to work in a wide range of work areas and levels of various industries such as transportation design, medical products, electronics, special effects for the entertainment industry, computer animation, furniture design, including interior and environmental design of buildings and signs.

    Basically a work environment that provides opportunities for product designers are divided into 3 levels:
    1. Production rates
    Manufacturing industry (factories, workshops-body of a car) to take a major role in this level.
    Work function of a product designer at this level are:
    - Drafter
    - Product engineering
    - Product planning
    - Material adviser
    - Supplier management related to product development
    - Costing related to product development
    - Construction related to product development
    - Detail design
    - Packaging development, either for display or for shipment (delivery)
    - Ergonomic concept
    - CAD expert

    2. Intermediate level
    Here are heavily involved is the trading industry, industries that connects between a store that is a bridge between producers and consumers and suppliers (manufacturers) in which it was created and manufactured products, and industrial design consultant. To design consultant, in some cases, the scope of work they sometimes are also on the level of the principal.
    Work function of a designer product at this stage are:
    - Drafter
    - Menchandising or outsourcing
    - Packaging development for display
    - Stylist
    - Ergonomic concept
    - Material development
    - CAD expert

    3. Principal Level
    In this level, telibat diverse industries, ranging from shops (which have their own designers), design consultants, and even sometimes also become one with the manufacturing industry if the manufacturing industry that also has a direct path relating to the final consumer (end user) .
    At this level the process which has the main role is to design a product from scratch, where the concept of order, production concepts, to engage in an intense marketing concept.
    Work function of a product designer at this level are:
    - Product concept (feasibility studies, trend)
    - Market concept and development (segment-target-positioning)
    - Stylist
    - Style and concept development
    - Product planning

    The true one level and another unrelated and less to do with the 3 level above which
    Level of Education and Scientific Research,
    Functions at this level where the main job is as an educator, or scientific researchers under the auspices of many universities and educational institutions.
    Make no mistake, this is not David E Kelley, the producer of the TV series Ally McBeal, but he is David M Kelley, founder of IDEO, product design and development firm that obtained the most awards in the U.S. (with notable achievements in the 1999 Industrial Design Excellence Awards , who has won 12 awards, twice the other design firm). And the facts are quite interesting, David earned a diploma (S1) in Electrical Engineering!

    David Kelley was born and raised in small town Ohio with a little Doing Activities in the field of art. He followed his father's footsteps to study electrical engineering at Carnegie Melon University. Although the time to follow the course of art during the summer, it has not arouse David and continue until graduation in electrical engineering in 1973. After graduation, David later worked at Boeing to design and analyze the lighting system for the 747. David also had worked at NCR (National Cash Register) in the microprocessor circuit board that uses the then newly discovered. When a friend told him about the Product Design Engineering program which is not many people at Stanford diiketahui that offers a combination atara business, arts, and engineering, David was interested and then followed that program to obtain his master's degree in industrial design in 1977. He later taught at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford since 1978.

    In the same year, David mendidirkan David Kelley Design in Palo Alto, Calif. This was also the company subsequently changed its name to IDEO in 1991 and until this has resulted in more than 3000 design products ranging from sophisticated high-tech products to children's toys. Some of them are air blower for balloon angioplasty, Sky Smith sunglasses, eyeglasses Nike circular, pangcing equipment for children, cholesterol measurement instant, the rubber handle of a toothbrush for children, first-Zone Polaroid camera, steering wheel controls for escavator Caterpillar, multiple laptops (including the first laptop knick there, the Grid), refueling system for electric cars GM's EV-1, support equipment and the Internet, including Audible MobilePlayer SoftBook electronic book, Steelcase office chairs and metal frame underwater vehicles for the film The Abyss.
    IDEO itself known because of what is produced and how they produce it. His office in Silicon Valley itself is described as a "kindergarten class" with emphasis on slogans such as "Encourage wild ideas." In support of this, IDEO work teams include psychologists who acted as an engineer or a graphic design company in business to pursue his passion in a user-oriented design (user-oriented design).
    Supporting the results of an extraordinary company that is a dislike for David on rules, order and supervision over and his love of the collaborative group dynamic. Character is what makes IDEO not only as a pilot model of a design firm (which helped design becomes a primary consideration in the mindset of American companies), but also as a pilot model of innovation for any company.

    Now this is David Berkeley faculty teaching in Art and Design, Faculty of Computer Technology, and Stanford Business School. In his lecture, David took a multidisciplinary approach in the design by combining technical innovation, human values, and manufacturing considerations. Everything is focused on product design methodologies, techniques quickly make a prototype to prove feasibility and design through pehamana to the needs of users. Pupil-pupil is required to attend all classes and psychology classes and other subjects. Designs are no longer merely a scientific discipline only, where students focus on one narrow set of skills. Empathy for other disciplines related to product development is crucial in the process of innovation. His students have been trained to be generalists, not specialists who are only experts in one field only.
    David Kelley lectures based on project tasks, rather than giving material to the class and answer the questions. Pupils work as individuals and as a team to handle projects that do not have the correct answer. They learn to develop perspective and visualize the concept through a prototype. In his lecture "Human Values in Design", a lesson focused on observations of real users or potential users of these products as jalam to get ideas for new concepts through the understanding of the basic needs of the community. Pupils sometimes find themselves spending time daily with the motor boat captain, or firefighters, or watched people eat in their cars. Product Design student must be a seeker needs to be problem solvers as well.
    Pupils are encouraged to be able to quickly prototype membut through a process called David sebagail "Enlightenment of trial and error". Stanford has an amazing history in teaching as a rapid prototype jalam to build rapid innovation in koneps-product concept. Stanford also has a prototype of a world-class manufacturing facilities and the disciples of David spent most of his time making Saut by one prototype, brought it out and show it to prospective users, bring it back and fix it again and again.
    "People ask, What do you design? And they expect you to answer the car, toothpaste tubes, and sebagainnya. But we are not an expert (expert) in none of those things. We are experts in designing something PROCESS."
    Innovation David Kelley as a product designer has a national and international recognition menganugrahinya extensively. Many view him as the main konstributor of success achieved by the Silicon Valley. San Francisco Focus magazine put it in an article titled "Bay Area's Brain Trust: 101 Achievers Who Make the smartest This Place on Earth (Brain Capital Bay Area: 101 Achiever What Made It Become the smartest place on Earth)." The San Jose Mercury News put David in the "100 Most Powerful People in Silicon Valley (100 the most powerful man in Silicon Valley)," and Esquire magazine pointed to David in the "21 Most Important People of the 21st Century (21 Most Important People in the 21st century) . David was also invited to the Clinton transition team in mentaklimat design problems.
    David Kelley is currently listed as a member of the Industrial Designers Society of America (the American Association of Industrial Product Design), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

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  • Industrial product design

    In line with the progress of industrialization, a product is demanded not only has economical and technical functions merely the fulfillment of physical needs, but also be able to answer the demands of symbolic function, beauty, comfort, and convenience. The problem which then arises is why there are products to be superior to other products, while almost the same specifications. The above phenomena will cause a demand for industrial product design that can meet consumer needs in a real market competition.
    Industrial product design is an activity that is widespread in technological innovation. The moves include product design product development process by considering the functionality, usability, production processes and technologies, marketing and improving the benefits and aesthetics of industrial products.
    To improve competitiveness, quality and productivity, needed a research activity and development of new products. It is anticipated with the education of industrial product design. Viewed from the type of activities, the scope of this profession is divided into three major groups:
    1. Design products include:
    Furniture, household appliances, electronics, medical and hospital equipment, office equipment, building components, sporting equipment and hobbies, crafts, etc..
    2. Design of environmental facilities include:
    Sports and recreational facilities, city information systems, tools and utilities of the city, shelter and infrastructure vendors, agricultural equipment, agriculture and forestry, etc.
    3. Design of transportation include:
    Passenger cars, family cars, buses, public transport, trucks, transport of goods, the interior shared means of transportation, fire, airport buses, garbage unit, transportation facilities and other environments.
    Studies of industrial product design is one of support for a degree in industrial engineering. In the process of production planning and control, Industrial Engineering graduates are expected to formulate a concept of some form of integrated production systems in terms of product design, tools, and functions, as described above. In this case an IT graduate is expected to interact with scholars from other fields to realize a true result.
    A designer of industrial products are expected to possess and develop the characteristics of creative, original, and has the ability in processing the form, capable of working together in multidisciplinary, familiar environment and cultural characteristics, controls applied in the field of ergonomics and marketing, and able to mempresntasikan ideas systematically and clearly.
    Currently, in industrialized countries, the profession of industrial design is one of the chain backbone in the industry working hand in hand with the engineers, architects, economists, ergonom, material experts, scientist, even with the artists to give birth to a particular need. In other words, a product designer is a figure that bridges the interests of producers and consumers. In Indonesia alone is estimated to total production designer is still limited. In addition, the expected contribution is still evident, considering that most of our industry is still making material.
    But in the future of this profession is expected to contribute significantly to the sustainability of the industry in Indonesia, so it can produce comparative and competitive advantage in the like product. Product design activities are at the stage of R & D / product development to define industrial products. This activity is the key, for the concept and product strategies were developed. Industrialized countries will not let go of these activities, in addition to marketing and business networks are also retained.

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  • Labels

    2d (1) 3D (1) ABG (1) agen JNE (1) almari (1) Alufoil (1) Aluminum Foil (1) anilox roll (1) apartemen (1) Atom (1) autocad (1) backdrop logo (1) bagian dalam (1) bangunan (1) batu alam (1) berkualitas (1) bermutu (1) berpengalaman (1) bertingkat (1) birdview (1) black and white (1) botol plastik (1) cafe (1) classic (1) coklat (1) cold rolled sheet (1) Computer To Plate (1) Consumer Understanding (1) control movement (1) counter (1) CTP (1) denah berwarna (1) denah kantor (1) desain (1) desain cuci mobil (1) desain kamar (1) desain produk (1) design (1) Design and Function (1) design meja (1) Design restaurant (1) design rumah (1) di daerah (1) dinding bata (1) dining (1) Duromer (1) Electrons (1) etnik (1) factors (1) flexo packaging (1) flexo printing (1) food (1) furniture (1) gallus (1) gambar (1) gaya modern (1) gloss (1) grc kotak (1) Halftone (1) hanya 550 ribu (1) harga murah (1) hasil cepat (1) hotel (1) industrial (1) injection (1) Injection Mold (1) ink (1) inovatif (1) install (1) interior (1) interior rumah (1) jasa gambar rumah (1) jasa 3d (1) jasa arsitek (1) jasa desain (1) jasa desain 3d (1) jasa design (1) jasa designer (1) jasa gambar (1) kamar tidur (1) kamar tidur anak (1) kampus (1) karaoke (1) kawasan (1) kawasan industri (1) kemasan (1) kerja di rumah (1) kitchen set (1) kontemporer (1) kosan (1) kost (1) krem (1) laci (1) lamination (1) lithography (1) living room (1) livingroom (1) lounge (1) Luscher MultiDX (1) masterplan (1) matt (1) meja kerja (1) metalworking (1) mewah (1) minimalis (1) minimalist (1) modern (1) mold (1) molding (1) Monomer (1) murah (1) murah. (1) Neutron (1) nuansa remaja (1) offset (1) online design (1) open ceiling (1) outdoor (1) overprint (1) pabrik (1) pantai (1) pencahayaan (1) perumahan (1) pesan desain (1) pesan desain toko (1) plug (1) Polimer (1) Polyaddition (1) Polycondensation (1) Polymerization (1) Polystyrene (1) printing ink (1) Product Creation (1) product function (1) produk katalog (1) Protons (1) Raster Image Processor (1) register (1) rendering (1) resepsionis (1) responsibility (1) resto industrial (1) RIP (1) Rotary (1) ruang kantor (1) ruang keluarga (1) ruang kerja (1) ruang tamu (1) ruang tunggu (1) ruko (1) rumah (1) rumah hook (1) rumah susun (1) rumah tropis (1) scandinavian (1) screen printing (1) sederhana (1) sempoa (1) setup (1) simple sederhana (1) specifications (1) spring (1) steel (1) Struktur Plastik (1) suspension (1) sweet home (1) taman (1) tampak (1) tampak rumah (1) Technological Change (1) terbaru (1) termurah (1) toko aksesoris (1) toko asesoris (1) trapping (1) two cavity (1) unscrewing (1) use (1) uv varnish (1) via online (1) website (1)