Struktur Plastik Monomer Polimer Duromer

Struktur plastik Bahan baku produk plastik adalah minyak mentah, gas alam dan batu bara sebagai pembawa karbon. Saat ini, minyak pirolisis dari pabrik daur ulang terkadang digunakan sebagai bahan awal. Nama plastik adalah istilah kolektif untuk bahan makromolekul yang diproduksi secara sintetis atau dengan mengubah produk alami. Makromolekul ini terdiri dari individu, komponen molekul terkait kimia, yang disebut monomer. Ketika monomer dirantai bersama, apa yang disebut polimer dibuat. Sebuah rantai polimer tunggal dapat dibentuk dari beberapa ribu monomer.
Plastik dapat terdiri dari molekul linier, bercabang atau ikatan silang. Makromolekul linier dan bercabang, yang, bagaimanapun, tidak terkait silang, dibuat bergerak oleh penerapan panas. Molekul dapat meluncur satu sama lain, yaitu bahannya dapat mengalir dan dapat ditempa. Inilah sebabnya mengapa bahan polimer ini disebut termoplastik. Semakin panjang rantai molekul dalam plastik, semakin tinggi sifat kekuatannya. Profil sifat termoplastik berkisar dari lunak hingga keras-keras atau rapuh keras. Dalam kasus elastomer, makromolekul saling terkait secara lemah. Pada suhu kamar mereka berada dalam keadaan karet-elastis karena mobilitas rantainya yang tinggi.
Elastomer tidak dapat dicairkan dan tidak larut. Plastik dengan rantai molekul jaringan yang kuat secara spasial dikenal sebagai duromer. Mereka berperilaku keras dan rapuh pada suhu kamar. Seperti elastomer, mereka tidak larut dan tidak dapat diserap. Ada juga yang disebut elastomer termoplastik (TPE), yaitu plastik seperti karet yang dapat dilebur. Seperti termoplastik, mereka terdiri dari molekul benang. Dalam elastomer termoplastik, bagaimanapun, molekul benang memiliki segmen molekul individu yang begitu kuat tertarik satu sama lain sehingga mereka bertindak seperti jaringan.


The products produced by the company, in their journey, of course undergo stages as according to its life cycle, so that product selection, product definition and product designs need to be continuously updated. Therefore know how to create and develop new products successfully it is an obligation for companies that want to survive.
1. New Product Creation Opportunity
Circumstances that provide opportunities for the emergence of new products include:
1. Consumer Understanding
2. Economic Change
3. Sociological and demographic changes
4. Technological Change
5. Political/Regulatory Changes
6. Other changes such as:
a. Practice in the market
b. Professional standard
c. Supplier
d. Distributor
2. The Importance of New Products
Companies need to continuously make efforts to create new products or product renewal because to be able to balance the competition faced including substitute products as well as changes in consumer needs and desires. Even though in reality many new products fail to get it marketed but persistent efforts to introduce new products must still be done. Therefore, product selection, product definition and product design is very important to be carried out continuously so that the operations manager and
the organization must understand the risk of failure that may occur. And must accommodate many new products while the activities carried out are still carried out.
Product Development Stages
a. Ideas that can come from various sources from within the company, for example the Research section
and Development and from outside through understanding consumer behavior, competition,
technology, workers, supplies. This stage is the basis for entering the market and
usually follow the company's marketing strategy.
b. The ability of the company to realize the idea. By doing coordination of various related departments in the company concerned.
c. Consumer demand to win in competition by identifying position and product benefits that consumers want through attributes about the product.
d. Functional specifications: How can a product function? By going through identification of engineering characteristics of the product, possible comparison with the product from competitors.
e. Product specifications: How is the product made? Through physical specifications such as size,
f. Design review: Are the product specifications the best in meeting the requirements? consumer needs?
g. Market test: Does the product meet consumer expectations? To ensure prospects for future by selling in bulk.
h. Introduction in the market by mass-producing to be marketed.
i. Evaluation: to measure success or failure, because if you fail you can quickly
replaced by other, more profitable products.

Color Reproduction in Printing

Quality assurance in printing aims to constant/fixed and correct/correct color reproduction/copying via whole in the printing process. For printing ink and color printing supplies, the most important parameter is film thickness ink, halftone value, color balance, ink installation and color series. 
Ink film thickness For technical reasons, the maximum ink film thickness is in offset printing is about 3.5 m. For coated paper and color process related to DIN 16 539 color location which should be achieved/obtained with an ink film thickness between 0.7 and 1.1 m. 
If lithography it doesn't fit / doesn't match, use printing ink that is not appropriate, however, this could happen that point of standardization on the chromatic diagram CIE not reached. Color distance reproduction also decreases if the saturation is not adequate. 
In white area picture shows how narrow the color gap with the ink is less in every three color processes. 
In terms of physics, the effect of the thickness of the ink film on the The view can be explained as follows.
Printing ink does not cover the paper; the ink is, somewhat, transparent. Light enters/penetrates the ink. 
In passing through ink, light facing pigment that absorbs into wavelength whichever is larger or smaller. The higher the pigment concentration and the film thickness The higher the ink/bigger, the more pigment is produced incorporated by the incident light and, as a result, more is absorbed. In the end, the ray of light reaches the surface (white) on the print and reflected supplies. On the way back to the light has to go through the ink film again and only after that he can captured/seen by the eye of the observer. 
The thick printing ink film absorbs more light and reflects less than the thin printing ink film; so that observers see darker, more saturated colors, hues. The part of the light that reaches the eye becomes suitable as basis for estimating/grading each color.

Raster Image Processor RIP Express

Raster Image Processor
translate postscript language for imagessetter
imagesetter: a machine that produces high-resolution output on film
translate image into raster
translate bitmap to halftone
work flow technology to increase processing speed and ease of processing data electronically
print directly
RipExpress is based on Adobe's Configurable PostScript Interpreter (CPSI) to interpret PostScript files accurately and consistently.
RipExpress by Monotype Systems is software
This versatile RIP can handle color and monochrome files from PostScript 3
RipExpress that combines optimum performance with an exclusive and easy-to-use interface
available for Sun UltraSPARC and Window NT platforms on Pentium PCs.
RipExpress is a full implementation of the PostScript 3 software from Adobe
which offers increased performance and benefits such as direct processing and printing of PDF files.
Super Screens are used to show superior looking finishes. ,
With Super Screens, 'appeal' can be removed from imagesetting and direct-to-plate systems
and can produce 4096 levels of gray on these high-resolution tools.
Color preview provides a full color preview of the RIP work on the screen
Previewed bitmap images can be sent directly to a high-resolution recorder or
alternatively printed to a color proofer for deeper evaluation.
Easy-to-use RipExpress features with a graphical interface
Uses Adobe's CPSI to ensure perfect compatibility with the pure PostScript 3 language.
Output to Laserbus for connecting all kinds of recorders using Personality Interfaces
Input spooling and hold facilities, and output spooling and hold
Color page preview on screen. 
Halftone and calibration table.
A set of 136 fonts provided by default.
Multiple inputs using Ethertalk, TCP/IP, LPR, drop folder and MGS3 special input.
Save media usage with Trim Page which removes excess white area under the page
Film Saving which automatically rotates the page so that it can save material.
Anamorphic scaling with separate X & Y scale control
In-place compression and decompression for bitmap files
Additional RIP to TIFF Options: Output can be set to output 1 bit TIFF files as uncompressed, Packbits, CCITT Huffman, Fax Group 3 and Fax Group 4.
OPI can provide a pointer where MGS3 can put high-resolution images when they log into the system
Then OPI substitution can occur on the RIP when the page is printed
FM Screens: Stochastic screening using Adobe Brilliant Screens
PrintExpress Snap Shots PrintExpress/CPM
is a digital workflow system that includes a number of software
which is used to link page builder and press printing applications.
PrintExpress handles the steps from receiving a page in PostScript or PDF format through
RIPAN, pagepairing, spooling, proofing, tracking and remote transmission to printing in different places
The set of modules that PrintExpress includes are:
PostScript / PDF Spooler This module accepts PostScript or PDF format files from other systems
like a page generator on a PC or Mac or an OPI server.
This module uses standard input protocols such as PAP (Apple), TCP/IP, drop file or from OPI MG3 server.

Design Definition and Design Technology

Design Definition 
The term “design” has many connotations. They can range from industrial designers to high structural load engineering designers. A few of these will be summarized in order to highlight that different designer skills are used to meet different product requirements. Essentially it is the process of devising a product that fulfills as completely as possible the total requirements of the user, and at the same time satisfies needs in terms of cost-effectiveness or ROI (return on investment). It encompasses the important interrelationship practical factors such as shape, material selection (including unreinforced and reinforced, elastomers, foams, etc.), consolidation of subparts, fabricating selection, and others that provide low cost-to-performance products. Product design is as much an art as a science. Recognize that a successful design is usually a compromise between the requirements of product function, productibility, and cost. Basically design is the mechanism whereby a requirement is converted to a meaningful plan. Design guidelines for plastics have existed for over a century. With plastics to a greater extent than other materials, an opportunity exists to optimize product design by focusing on material composition and orientation to structural member geometry when required. The type of designer to produce a product depends on the product requirements. As an example in most cases an engineering designer is not needed because the product has no major load requirement. All that is needed is experience and/or a logical evaluation approach based on available material and processing data. This practical approach is the least consumer of time and least expensive. 
Design Technology 
It is the prediction of performance in its broadest sense, including all the characteristics and properties of materials that are essential and relate to the processing of the plastic. To the designer, an example of a strict definition of a design property could be one that permits calculating product dimensions from a stress analysis. Such properties obviously are the most desirable upon which to base material selections. However, like with metals, there are many stresses that cannot be accurately analyzed. Hence one is forced to rely on properties that correlate with performance requirements. Where the product has critical performance requirements, such as ensuring safety to people, production prototypes will have to be exposed to the requirements it is to meet in service. In plastics, these correlative properties, together with those that can be used in design equations, generally are called engineering properties. They encompass a variety of situations over and above the basic static strength and rigidity requirements, such as impact, fatigue, flammability, chemical resistance, and temperature.

Injection Mold for the Body of a Tape Cassette

product design development
Injection Mold for the Body of a Tape-Cassette Holder Made from High-Impact Polystyrene.
Molded Part: Design and Function 
A cubic molded part of impact-resistant polystyrene forms the main body of a tape-cassette holder consisting of a number of injectionmolded parts. Several cassette holders can be stacked on top of each other by snap fits to yield a tower that can accommodate more cassettes. The molded part, which has a base measuring 162mm x 162mm and is 110mm tall, consists of a central square-section rod whose two ends are bounded by two square plates. Between these plates, and parallel to the central rod, are the walls, forming four bays for holding the cassettes. Single-Cavity Mold with Four Splits The mold, with mold fixing dimensions of 525mm x 530mm and 500mm mold height, is designed as a single-cavity mold with four mechanical splits (Fig. 3). The movable splits (9) are mounted on the ejector side of the mold with guide plates (21) and on guide bars (20). The splits form the external side walls of the molded part while the internal contours of the bay’s comprising ribs, spring latches and apertures are made by punches (34) that are fitted into the splits and bolted to them. Core (6), which is mounted along with punch (7) on platen (23), forms the bore for the square-section rod. The punch (7) and the runner plate (14) form the top and bottom sides of the molded part. When the mold is closed, the four splits are supported by the punch (7) and each other via clamping surfaces that are inclined at less than 45. Furthermore, the apertures in the molded part ensure good support between punches (34) on the splits, core (6) and runner plate (14). The closed splits brace themselves outwardly against four wedge plates (12) which are mounted on the insert plate (18) with the aid of wear plates (13). Adjusting plates (11) ensure accurate fitting of the splits. Each slide is driven by two angle pins (8), located in insert plate (18) on the feed side. Pillars (39) and bushings (37) serve to guide the mold halves. The plates of each mold half are fixed to each other with locating pins (27). The molded part is released from the core by ejector pins (25), which are mounted in the ejector plates (3, 4). Plate (23) is supported on the ejector side against the clamping plate via two rails (40) and, in the region of the ejector plates beneath the cavity, by rolls (2). Feeding via Runners The molding compound reaches the feed points in the corners of the square-section rod via sprue bushing (16) and four runners. The rod’s corners have a slightly larger flow channel than the other walls of the molded part. The sprue bushing is secured against turning by pin (15). Mold Temperature Control Cooling channels are located in the core retainer plate (22) and the insert plate (18). Punch (7) is cooled as shown in Fig. 4. Core (6) is fitted with two cooling pipes, while punch (34) is fitted with cooling pipe (35). Furthermore, the slide (9) are cooled. Demolding: Latches Spring Back As the mold opens, the slides (9) are moved by the angle pins (8) to the outside until the punches (34) are retracted from the side bays of the molded part. As Fig. 5 shows, the cavities of the spring latches Z are located on the one hand between the faces of the four punches (34) and runner plate (14) and, on the other, between the two adjacent side faces of the punches (34). On opening of the mold, the ratio of the distance moved by the slides to the opening stroke between runner plate (14) and slides is the tangent of the angle formed by the angle pins and the longitudinal axis of the mold. Thus, when the mold opens, enough space is created behind the latches Z to enable them to spring back when the punches (34) slide over the wedge-shaped elevations (a) of the latches (Fig. 5). The situation is similar for ejecting latches between adjacent punch faces. As the mold opens further, the angle pins and the guide bores in the slides can no longer come into play. The open position of the slides is secured by the ball catches (33). The molded part remains on core (6) until stop plate (29) comes into contact with the ejector stop of the machine and displaces ejector plates (3, 4) with ejector pins (24, 25). The molded part is ejected from the core, and the sprue from the runners. When the stop plates are actuated, helical springs are compressed (30) that, as the mold is closing, retract the ejector pins before the slides close. Return pins (26) and buffer pins (19) ensure that the ejector system is pushed back when the mold closes completely.

Learn Flexo Packaging Register Overprint Trapping

linearis machine printing
Learning flexo is fun, maybe for some people in Indonesia. Of course, the flexo printing technique, especially the CI type, sounds foreign. I'm only 6 years old getting to know flexo printing until this article was written, this poses a big challenge for me to know more about it. In this article I want to introduce flexo printing for those who want to learn flexo printing techniques. 
Initially Flexo printing used rubber (like a Stamp) which was then pressed to print the image. The first flexo printing machine was made in 1980 in England by Bibby Baron and Sons, at the same time the same machine was also made in Germany which is named Aniline because it uses Aniline ink.
In 1950 Franklin Moses proposed that the Aniline printing process be renamed be Flexo print.
For the next 30 years the flexo machine is still considered a printing technique for quality low so that it is generally used to print corrugated boxes. But with the discovery of UV ink and its drying, then flexo print using ink UV began to be used to print labels.
Basically the preparation for design and artwork for flexo printing is the same as artwork design work for other printing systems, but there are some differences fundamentals that we must understand. To print flexo what we see on the computer screen and what we see in the proof, may not be the same as the final flexo print.
Proof is made only to see the layout (position of the layout).
Considerations for font size, object ex and line thickness
Line object, it is recommended to be limited to no more than 1 color for color
the arrangement.
Halftone is a collection of small dots that when viewed from a distance will appear
like a stream of gray or colored smelly shadows. The number of the dots must be
enough to be boxy. For color images, there is a stack of dots
consisting of dot colors cyan, magentha, yellow and black (CMYK). The higher the screen
frequency (the more lines per inch), the smoother the image will be. For flexo
quality can be used up to 175 lpi. The defaults are 100, 120, 133, 150 and 175 lpi.
Dot is a dot (circle) that is used to form halftone printing.
The shape of the dot also varies, including round, square, elliptical and octagonal.
In general, a round pacifier is widely used.
The things that cause dot enlargement:
. Excessive ink absorption
. The ink spreads to the material because the viscosity of the ink is too high, making it difficult
. Over-pressed photopolymer (flexo must be with “kiss printing”
. Machine is not good
C. Ink
Flexo ink comparison:
1. Flexo Waterbased Ink
Excess :
- Does not require Exhaust
- Does not cause air pollution
- Excellent absorption, low energy cost for absorbent materials
- No need for explosion proof equipment
- Does not pose a problem for transportation (harmless)
Deficiency :
- If printed on plastic film, it can cause problems with sticking
as well as drying. But for modern machines this problem has been solved.
- Less shiny
- Sometimes foamy
- Cleaning is quite difficult
2. Solvent based flexo ink
Excess :
- Easy to use (set up, cleaning)
- Dries quickly
- Good adhesion to plastic film
- High mechanical resistance
- Stable surface tension
- Anilox is easy to clean (compared to using waterbased inks)
Deficiency :
- Evaporation of solvents causes pollution (harmful to health)
- Air exhaust equipment is required and must be explosion-proof
- There are regulations for the use and storage of solvents and inks
3. UV flexo ink
Excess :
- Does not require Exhaust
- The ink does not dry on the machine
- No need for explosion proof equipment
- Very glossy (glossy)
Deficiency :
- The price of ink is expensive
- Requires a high enough energy, especially if using a cooling roll
- If the temperature changes, the viscosity will also change and can
cause discoloration especially special colors.
- Some materials do not stick well.
by Su-harto

Polymer Structure Polymerization Polycondensation Polyaddition

Polymerization Polycondensation Polyaddition
Most of the advantages and disadvantages of polymers depend on the size of the structure of the individual polymer molecules, the shape and size of the polymers and how they are formed. The characteristics of a polymer molecule are determined by its size, a feature that distinguishes it from other organic chemical compositions. Polymers are long chains of molecules, also called micromolecules or giant molecules, which are formed by polymerization, in other words by the interlocking and crosslinking of different monomers. Monomers are the basic building blocks of a polymer. The word mer comes from the Greek meros meaning part, indicating the smallest unit.

Polymer means many mers or units, generally a repetition of hundreds or thousands of times a chain-like structure. Most monomers are organic materials in which the carbon atoms are joined in covalent bonds with other atoms, such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, fluorine, chlorine, silicon and sulfur.

To form macromolecular bonds from each thermoplastic material molecule is done in three ways, namely:

a. Polymerization:

Bringing together several similar molecules to form a large molecule Polymerisate. The monomers in polymers can be linked in repeating units that lengthen and enlarge the molecules by a chemical reaction known as a polymerization reaction. Despite the many variations, the two basic processes are Condentation polymer and Polyaddition.

b. Polycondensation;

The bonding of several molecules to form large macromolecules through the process of separating one of the atoms to bind small molecules from water. From this process, a material called Polycondensate is formed

c. Polyaddition;

Namely the union of several basic molecules through the placement of several molecules without separation of the non-fixed parts. The material formed is called "Polyadducf. In this reaction an initiator is added to break the two bonds between the carbon atoms and start the bonding process by adding more monomers to build the chain. For example the Ethylene monomer bonds to produce a polymer known as Polyethylene .

The sum of the molecular weights of the mer-mers in the polymer chain is the molecular weight of the polymer. The higher the molecular weight in a given polymer, the greater the chain length. Since polymerization is a random event, the resulting polymer chains are not all the same length, but the resulting chain lengths are formed in a traditional distribution curve. We determine and express the average molecular weight of a polymer on a statistical basis by averaging. The distribution of the molecular weight distribution is referred to as the molecular weight distribution (MWD). Molecular weight and MWD have a strong influence on polymer properties. For example, fracture and impact strength, resistance to cracking, and viscosity in the liquid state all increase with increasing molecular weight. Most of the polymers traded have molecular weights between 10,000 and 10,000,000.

In some cases, it is easier to describe the size of a polymer chain in Degrees of Polymerization (DP), defined as the ratio of the molecular weight of the polymer to the molecular weight of the repeating unit. For example, Polyvinyl chloride ( PVC) has a mer weight of 62.5, so the DP of PVC which has a molecular weight of 50,000 will be 50,000 / 62.5 = 800. In the polymerization process, the higher the DP, the greater the polymer viscosity, or flow resistance, thus making it easier to formation and overall costs.

During polymerization the monomers are bonded together in a covalent bond, forming a polymer chain. Because of their strength, covalent bonds are also called primary bonds. In addition, polymer chains hold on to secondary bonds such as van der Waals bonds, hydrogen bonds and ionic bonds. Secondary bonds are weaker than primary bonds. In a polymer, the increase in strength and viscosity with molecular weight is partly due to the fact that the longer the polymer chain, the greater the energy required for secondary bonding.

If the repeating units of the polymer chain are of the same type, we call the molecule a homopolymer. However, two or three types of heavy monomers can be combined to obtain special characteristic advantages, such as improved strength and durability. Copolymer consists of two types of polymers such as Styrene-butadine, widely used for car tires. Terpolymer consists of three types such as ABS used for helmets, telephones.

Rotary screen printing an effective way of printing

screen galus linearis
Screen printing is a printing technique that uses a woven mesh to support an ink-blocking stencil to receive a desired image. The attached stencil forms open areas of mesh that transfer ink or other printable materials which can be pressed through the mesh as a sharp-edged image onto a substrate. A fill blade or squeegee is moved across the screen stencil, forcing or pumping ink into the mesh openings for transfer by capillary action during the squeegee stroke. Basically, it is the process of using a stencil to apply ink onto another material whether it be t-shirts, posters, stickers, vinyl, wood, or any material that can keep the image onto its surface. Screen printing is also a stencil method of print making in which a design is imposed on a screen of polyester or other fine mesh, with blank areas coated with an impermeable substance. Ink is forced into the mesh openings by the fill blade or squeegee and onto the printing surface during the squeegee stroke. It is also known as silkscreen, serigraphy, and serigraph printing. A number of screens can be used to produce a multicolored image or design.
Rotary screen printing - an effective way of printing
Screen printing is ideally suited wherever a high degree of coverage, precise detail and colour intensity are required to obtain a brilliant, high-quality image. Applying a coating allows special relief and other effects to be created. Scented coatings, thermochromatic inks and glitters are just a few examples of screen printing applications.
One particular feature of screen printing is its ability to produce what is known as the no-label look with transparent labels being applied to the packaging. Screen printing also enables Braille to be applied to any label. 
Gallus Rotascreen - performance package
Gallus Rotascreen is a performance package and our contribution to success for labelprinters:
Gallus Screeny conventional screen printing plates 
Gallus Screeny digital screen printing plates 
Know-how transfer, training
Application know how and combination printing (screen, flexo, offset, hotfoil etc.)
Technology centre, product development
Prepress devices
Test equipment on Gallus site
Production expertise plating and coating
Attractive illustrations using rotary screen printing in combination with other printing processes.
The Gallus Rotascreen performance package - complete support for the screen printer.

Desain Tempat Usaha Cuci Mobil dan Toko Asesoris

jasa gambar usaha cuci mobil
Mencari Pakar Desain untuk usaha cuci mobil hidrolik maupun manual dengan segala konsep? Hubungi Kami untuk memulainya, cukup kirim chat ke WA 081916200296, Kami Siap Membantu Anda dengan Beragam Ide Desain Fantastis. Terlampir contoh Design Bangunan tempat cuci steam mobil dan toko asesoris mobil yang pernah kita buat sesuai keinginan klien. Jasa penyedia gambar tempat cuci mobil dengan berbagai model. Menerima pembuatan desain baik dari lahan kosong maupun renovasi. Arsitek Profesional berkomitmen untuk memberikan hasil yang terbaik untuk Anda. Telah berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun, dan telah mengerjakan banyak bangunan cuci steam. Mulai dari desain cuci mobil manual, desain cuci mobil minimalis, desain tempat cuci mobil hidrolik, desain cucian mobil plus cafe, desain cuci motor mobil, desain ruang tunggu cuci mobil, desain toko cuci mobil, dan lain lain. Jika Anda tertarik, langsung kirim saja datanya. Prosedur pemesanan sangat aman, desain kita buatkan dulu dalam resolusi rendah sebagai bukti bahwa kita telah mengerjakan sesuai data2 yang telah dikirimkan oleh klien setelah transfer segera kita buatkan resolusi tingginya untuk direview lebih detai. Revisi bisa 2x free. Arusha Desain penyedia Jasa Gambar Tempat usaha cuci mobil Online dengan banyak pelanggan dan telah berpengalaman.

Two-Cavity Unscrewing Mold for a Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyamide Threaded Plug

Two-Cavity Unscrewing Mold for a Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Polyamide Threaded Plug The threaded plug consists of a top flange with a hexagonal recess in its upper surface. The underside of the flange has a pot-shaped section that encloses the hexagonal recess and to the bottom of which a stop pin is attached. This section is enclosed by an outer ring that carries the threads. In addition, the underside exhibits an annular groove ‘‘O’’ around the outer ring and intended to hold a seal. The annular space between the pot-shaped section and outer ring contains radial ribs. Mold Release of the annular groove and threads is accomplished most easily by unscrewing the molded part from a threaded sleeve. The mold is designed with two cavities. Release of the threads is accomplished on the stationary mold half. The threaded sleeves are located in guide bushings and are driven by the gear and spindle of the unscrewing mechanism. The annular core forms the stop pin and, by means of a tubular extension, the annular space in the plug. A central core pin provides for venting of the stop pin cavity. The hexagonal recess is formed by the core insert , which also encloses an ejector pin . The other ejector pins are used to knock out the sprue and runner. Gating The location of the ejectors and unscrewing mechanism requires that injection takes place into the mold parting line . Each plug has a single submarine gate located at the flange. Mold Temperature Control The mold plates on either side of the parting line have cooling lines encircling the mold inserts. The annular core contains a double-threaded cooling pin. Part Release=Ejection The latch causes the mold to first open at parting line ‘I’. This withdraws the annular core from the underside of the plug and releases the stop pin. This motion is limited by the stop bolt . The opening motion is now interrupted and the unscrewing begins. The threaded sleeve is unscrewed while the hexagonal core insert prevents the molded part from turning. Upon completion of unscrewing, the main parting line ‘II’ opens, shearing off the submarine gates. The molded part is still retained on the core insert; the sprue and runner are held by the undercut in the sprue puller. As the ejector plate moves forward, the ejector pins eject the molded part and the sprue.


jasa gambar botol kemasan
Sarana yg dibutuhkan untuk pembuatan kemasan plastik adalah
1.Cetakan ( Mold )
Keberhasilan suatu kemasan plastik ditentukan oleh 
1.Fungsi kemasan 
Dari ke 3 factor penentu keberhasilan kemasan plastik semua ditentukan oleh DESIGN nya , artinya Design kemasan menjadi factor yg sangat penting
Konsep mendesign kemasan plastik
1.Sesuai dng fungsi yg akan dipakai
2.Mampu diproduksi dng baik
3.Membutuhkan biaya yg paling ekonomis
Hubungan design kemasan plastik dan cetakan ( mold )
Bentuk dan kekuatan design kemasan ,sangat dipengaruhi oleh cetakan , artinya adalah jika design secara bentuk dan konstruksi sangat baik tetapi secara tehnis tidak dapat dicetak berarti design kemasan tersebut harus dikoreksi.
Konsep design kemasan terhadap mold
1.Harus bisa dibuat cetakannya
2.Harus bisa diproses 
3.Harus dng biaya yg ekonomis ( sesuai )
Tehnik mendesign kemasan plastik
1.Kenali fungsi kemasan
2.Kenali material plastik yg akan dipakai
3.Kenali tehnik dasar design cetakan
4.Kenali sifat isi produk ( yg akan bersentuhan langsung dng kemasan )
5.Kenali mesin yg akan dipakai memproduksi
6.Kenali mesin / alat / proses selanjutnya yg akan dipakai sampai menjadi barang jadi
7.Kenali karakter manusia secara umum
8.Kenali bagaimana kemasan itu disimpan
9.Kenali bagaimana kemasan akan dikirim
Kemasan plastik untuk proses blow molding mesin
1.Untuk proses inside parison ratio perbandingan mulut botol dan bagian terbesar maksimal 2.5 x
2.Untuk outside parison ratio perbandingan  tergantung dari sarana mesin yang tersedia dan batasan estetika yang diijinkan pelanggan
3.Hindari bentuk 2x tajam pada sudut karena akan membuat dinding tipis yg akan berakibat botol bolong / pecah
4.Hindari kedalaman botom ( push up ) yg berlebihan karena akan membuat sudut bottom tipis dan biasanya akan menggores pada pundak atau mulut botol., sehingga harus disesuaikan sampai mendapatkan bentuk yg optimal.



Coating is a coating process that is applied to an object, the aim is to improve the surface properties of the coated object. These surface properties are expected to protect the prints against fingerprints, scratches, stains or the impact of humidity and air temperature. In the world of printing there is coated paper. If the coating results are applied to coated paper, the results will be more optimal because the surface is not hard and also easily absorbs water. In addition, the print will have a glossy or glossy, satin (not glossy), and doff (dim) effect after being coated. Lamination jobs are post-print jobs, such as discussed in the previous chapter, laminates are classified into 2 (two) various forms of how to do it, namely (1) the form of closing objects work to form a corner/envelop (pouch) and (2) roll form. While the working method with a heat system (thermal) and cold system (cold). There are 2 (two) types of laminating, namely gloss and dob. Gloss exudes a glossy effect dob ​​displays dim/shady effect. The purpose of lamination is so that the printed object has artistic impression, that impression can be shiny or dob, other than that it can also protect and make printed objects durable. Judging from the results of the work, There are 2 (two) types of lamination, namely: lamination that results in rigid and laminate which is flexible. Laminate is often found in the photocopy business oplag is low, used to laminate things valuable, for example a certificate, certificates, and so on. As for the many flexible laminates used for mass work or large oplag, e.g. etiquette, dos of bread, leaflets, posters, invitations, etc

Computer to Plate versus Computer to Film

Luscher MultiDX
Computer to Plate (CTP) is an imaging technology used in modern printing processes. In this technology, images are created in a Desktop Publishing (DTP) application and output directly to a printing plate. Unlike the previous technology where computer files are output to the form of film, and this film is then used to make printing plates. CTP has advantages over conventional platemaking. With CTP, the need for films and related developed chemicals is eliminated. CTP improves the sharpness and detail of the image on the plate. CTP avoids the potential loss in quality that may occur during the unselect of film, including scratches in the film, and variations in exposure. Plates are produced in less time, are more consistent and at a lower cost. CTP can also increase registers in the print process. The CTP system can significantly increase the plate production output. The platesetter for newspaper production can output up to 300 plates per hour at 1270 dpi (dots per inch), while for commercial applications the CTP system can produce 60 plates at 2400 dpi. 
Computer to plate (CTP) is an imaging technology used in modern printing machine processes. In this technology, an image created in a Desktop Publishing (DTP) application is output directly to a printing plate. This compares with the older technology, Computer to film (CTF), where the computer file is output onto a photographic film. This film is then used to make a printing plate, in a similar manner to a contact proof in darkroom photography. 
Advantages of CTP CTP has several advantages over conventional platemaking. In CTP, one generation (transfer of film image to the printing plate) is removed from the printing process, increasing sharpness and detail. Plates are produced in less time, are more consistent, and at a lower cost. CTP can also improve registration and image-to-edge repeatability over traditional methods. CTP, the media is registered (held in precise position) in the platesetter during imaging, and does not rely on a separately-aligned pin grid, as is the case with film. Defects due to dust, scratches or other artifacts are minimized. CTP systems can significantly increase print shop productivity. The fastest platesetters can output more than 120 12-inch plates per hour, punched and ready to hang on the press. CTP decreases dot gain slightly by eliminating the increase in halftone dot size which can occur in the film-to-plate exposure process when negative film is used (Mainly US) CTP increases dot gain slightly by eliminating the decrease in halftone dot size which can occur in the film-to-plate exposure process when positive film is used (Mainly Europe) Small portrait presses that typically create 1 or 2 color output can use anything from a standard laser printer, for low quality/low volume, up to a higher-end dedicated platesetter for higher quality and volume. 
Computer to Film Computer to Film (CTF) is a print workflow involving the printing from a computer, straight to film. This film is then burned onto a lithographic plate, using a plate burner. The plate is then put on an offset printing press to make a product (usually thousands of copies). This process requires a clean environment, skilled workers, and a well thought out proofing system / workflow to maximize quality. CTF is being replaced with the more advanced CTP (Computer to Plate) technology.


The use of goods made of plastic from time to time shows a very rapid development, is widespread in almost all sectors of human life such as use for: household appliances and supplies including for clothing and cosmetic supplies, office equipment and supplies, educational facilities, buildings. , transformation, electrical and electronic equipment, automotive industry, aircraft, agriculture and fisheries and many other uses.
          This is because plastic has the ability to replace materials made of wood, metals, rubber, leather, glass and others.
          In line with the development of the use of plastics, the development of the plastic industry and plastic processing facilities has developed rapidly.
          In the process of processing plastics into plastic goods, it is known that there are several types of plastic processing machines such as: thermoforming, extrusion, blowmolding, injection molding, tubes and many more. From a group of plastic processing machines, it can be grouped based on the work process, namely machines that work continuously and machines that work in cycles, injection molding, including machines that work in a cycle.
         The injection molding machine has a function to change the plastic material from the form of granules [plastic seeds] or pudding into plastic goods that have shapes.
         Of the many plastic products, almost 80% are products of plastic.
         The process is that the plastic material in the form of granules or pudding is heated until it melts, then injected with the help of a plunger screw push into a hollow mold and cooled, the limer plastic then freezes. Hardened and shaped according to the shape of the cavity, finally the product is removed.
        The process steps are called a cycle, that is, the process steps will always repeat themselves when one operation step is completed.
        The quality of the process [product] will greatly depend on the operating conditions of the machine, the quality of the material being processed and the condition of the machine itself, where the condition of the machine will be good if all the components or parts of the machine and the mold are working properly and in balance.
a) The mold is closed and held, the material has been injected into the mold.
injection moulding
b) The screw moves backwards, the replacement material drops and enters the cylinder and collects in the space at the front of the cylinder.
c) The results of the process (product) are removed from the mold / mold.

Image: Injection Machine
The main parts of the Injection Machine are:
a) Clamping unit, serves to place, open and close, operate and hold the mold / mold during the injection process.
b) Injection unit, consisting of several machine parts needed for: filling, melting and injection of materials into the mold / mold.
c) Power unit equipment that provides and supplies power for the clamping and injection units.
d) Control unit, equipment that regulates temperature, pressure and time.

Easy Way and Quickly Draw With AutoCAD

Quickly Draw AutoCAD
Here we will start drawing a simple product first, using the existing facilities in AutoCAD 2012
The first step we have to do in order to use AutoCAD 2012 is to install the software via CD-ROM.
If you are not familiar with installing AutoCAD, you can ask someone who is familiar with computer systems for help.
For those who want to try to install it yourself, the steps that must be taken to install AutoCAD 2012 are:
1. Run the AutoCAD Installation wizard (SETUP.EXE) from the CD or hard drive
2. Select english for the language (language) used to install and click Install Product
3. In the Select the Product to Install screen, checklist Autocad 2012 and Autodesk Material Library 2012 then click Next
4. In the License Agreement window, select I Accept and click Next
5. In the User and Product Information display, fill in the required data and fill in the serial number and product key / keygen, then click Next.
6. In the Begin Installation section, click Install and when asked whether to use the default configuration / settings,
click yes. Because by default, AutoCad will install for personal computers.
7. Wait for the AutoCad program to finish installing.
8. Click Finish.
AutoCad has finished installing on the computer.
If we use the crack to activate the Autocad code, you can extract the crack on the CD
to the program file where AutoCad is installed, namely in C: \ Program Files \ Autodesk \ AutoCAD 2012 - English

By default, AutoCAD assigns a shortcut placeholder on the desktop.
We can double click this shortcut

To start AutoCAD or you can start> Program> Autodesk> AutoCAD 2012> AutoCAD 2012.

Atom Electrons Protons Neutron

electrons protons neutron
Atom is a very small unit in every material that is around us. Atom consists of three types of subatomic particles:
- electrons, which have a negative charge;
- protons, which have a positive charge;
- neutron, which is not charged.
Each element is unique differentiated by the number protons contained in the atom of these elements. Every atom has the number of electrons that are equal to the number of protons; when there is a difference in these atoms called ion.
Many other elements are created by humans, but they are usually unstable and spontaneously transformed into a naturally stable chemical element through a process of radioactivity.
Even though there are only 91 elements in nature, they can occur bonds with each other into molecules and other types of chemical compounds. Molecules are formed of many atoms. The water molecule is a combination of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 atom oxygen.
Atomic nucleus
The center of the atom is called the atomic nucleus or nucleus. The atomic nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. The number of protons in the atomic nucleus is called the atomic number, and determines its form elements what atoms are.
The size of the atomic nucleus is much smaller than the size of the atom itself, and almost partly
mostly made up of protons and neutrons, almost absolutely no contribution from electron.
Protons and neutrons have almost the same mass, and the sum of the two masses is called the mass number, and it weighs almost the same as. The mass of the electrons is very small and doesn't contribute much to the atomic mass.
The number of protons and neutrons determines the type of the nucleus or atomic nucleus. Protons and
neutrons have almost the same mass, and the number combination, the number of masses, on average
equal to the atomic mass of an atom. The combined mass of electrons is very small ratio to the mass of the nucleus, because the weight of the protons and neutrons is almost 2000 times the mass of an electron.
Neutrons or neutrons are subatomic particles which are not charged (neutral) and has a mass of 1.6749 × 10-27 kg, slightly heavier than a proton. The atomic nucleus of most atoms are made up of protons and neutrons.
The main difference between neutrons and other subatomic particles is that they are not charged. This nature of the neutrons made his discoveries more backward, and very penetrating, made it difficult to observe in person and made it very important as an agent in nuclear change.
In physics, a proton is a subatomic particle with a positive charge of 1.6 × 10-19 coulombs and a mass of 1.6726231 × 10-27 kg, or about 1800 times the mass of a electron.
An atom usually consists of a number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus (middle) atom, and the number of electrons surrounding that nucleus. In charged atoms neutral, the number of protons will equal the number of electrons. The number of protons in the section the nucleus will usually determine the chemical properties of an atom. The atomic nucleus is often known as the term nuclei, nucleus, or nucleon (English: nucleon), and the reaction that occurs or related to the nucleus of this atom is called a nuclear reaction. 

Factors Affecting Product Design

Making Product Design
In making product designs, it's good that we need to know what we have to prepare in the process of making a unique and attractive product design in order to attract consumer interest.
Product design is a tool in production management starting from previous research and development.
Doing product design is not just a decoration of the product, but whether the design is able to influence our products will be accepted or not by consumers.
The importance of product design lies in determining in detail the design of the product to be made, as well as the classification so that it fits the desired objectives.
Factors that influence Product Design include:
-Product function
Each product that will be produced has a different function or use, this depends on what purposes the product is made for. Thus that product design is related to the form and function of a product. Both play an important role in determining a product design which is basically to provide maximum satisfaction for consumers or customers both in terms of quality and quantity.
-Design Standards and Specifications
In terms of specifications and design standards of a product, it will be seen from how to join the parts so that when they are put together into a strong unit
When designing the shape it is necessary to pay attention to beauty by adjusting the design according to its function and use.
Plan a balanced size of product parts as a whole.
The quality of a product must be adjusted according to the function of the product, if it is to be used for a long time, then the quality of the product must be high when compared to the product that will be used in a short period of time.
If the product to be used wants to have good quality, then the materials used must also be able to support everything that is expected to be realized and the customer feels their own satisfaction.
Color has its own meaning for consumers, because each person has a unique characteristic and preference for certain colors. And this is what the company must pay attention to in order to compete with other similar companies.
-Product responsibility
This is one of the responsibilities of the producer as a product maker to consumers for the safety and comfort of the product's user. Therefore this factor is very important to be considered by the company when designing the product.
-Price and Volume
Prices are associated with the number of products to be made, for products to be made based on orders, usually the selling price will be different from products made to be distributed to broad consumers, whose prices are relatively cheaper so that the product design will be different.
Prototype is the first product model to be made, this prototype shows the actual form and function, so that before the company produces the prototype is made an effort to make first.
From the prototype testing, if it passes the test it may provide an overview of the changes that need to be made as well as information in the final preparation of the product design.
-Factors of the Beauty of Product Design
If the packaging is beautiful and can attract the attention of consumers, consumers will be interested in buying it. For example, the marketing strategy for food products, this part of the industry is very important for displaying packaging images that can arouse appetites for consumers who see it.

Alufoil Aluminum Foil

Aluminum Foil
Aluminum Foil is an aluminum alloy made in thin sheet form. The thickness of Aluminum Foil ranges from 0.2 mm and contains about 92% to 99% Aluminum. Aluminum Foil is available in a variety of sizes and characteristics and is mainly used to package various goods. Aluminum Foil is sometimes also coated with plastic to make it stronger. Aluminum processing was first introduced by Hans Christian Oersted in 1825. Then continued by Friedrich Wöhler for resulting in more effective aluminum processing. But processing aluminum at that time was still very expensive and made the final product price aluminum is much more expensive than gold. In 1908, aluminum was produced with a thickness of 0.05mm with a rolling pack system by Alfred Gautschi. The following years aluminum production became increasingly modern, that is means that aluminum foil can be produced to be thinner and wider accordingly needs. 
The European Aluminum Foil Association provides several facts about aluminum foil. 
-Aluminum foil is a very thin sheet of aluminum (range 0.02 µm to 0.2 mm) 
-Aluminum foil is generally used for packaging and lamination as well has the advantage: 
Absolute material that can protect the contents. 
Provide quality warranty contents by protecting fragrances 
Protects contents from light, oxygen, moisture, and contamination 
-Aluminum foil saves far more resources than that consumed in production throughout the supply and value chain. With facts about aluminum foil which is very efficient as wrapping material, often aluminum foil is almost a raw material packaging coating on each product.
Use Alumunium foil in food 
When making bread, wrap it in Aluminum Foil paper to keep it warm. 
Use the Aluminum Foil paper to melt the sugar, so even desserts will taste more delicious due to the spread evenly. 
When making pies you are usually troubled by the burnt edges. But that won't happen if you base the Aluminum Foil on the baking sheet. 
When baking a cake, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money buying the molds. Just use the Aluminum Foil paper by forming it like a cone and cutting a little of the sharp part.

Cold Rolled Sheet Steel Metalworking

Cold Rolled Sheet
Cold Rolled Sheet or white iron plate is the process of making iron plate by grinding. The rolling process is carried out under the recrystallization temperature. White Iron Plate is also known, with the improvement of Black Iron Plate. Cold Rolled Sheet is a type of steel product that is produced by cold rolling, and has characteristics very different from that of 'black steel' or hot rolled steel. CRS has better surface quality and is more precise, and has good mechanical properties and excellent formability. Widely used in the ordering process because of its better formability, weldability and roughness qualities. This type of steel is also used for applications in the galvanization industry, the enamel industry, and is used as a raw material for the tin-coated food can industry. For annealed sheets, the thickness ranges from 0.20 - 3.0 mm, and the thickness is reduced to 2.0 mm. Hot Rolled Coil (HRC) or Plat (HRP) is a type of steel product that is produced by a hot rolling process. Ordinary users usually refer to this product as 'black steel' in contrast to Cold Rolled Sheet which is traditionally referred to as 'white steel'. Krakatau Steel produces ordinary carbon as well as various micro-alloy steels that can be used for general or commercial quality to special qualities such as: general steel structures, automotive frames, piles, heavy equipment components, general fabrication, general pipes & tubes, pipes & tubes for linepipes and casings, gas cylinders, weathering corrosion resistance, pressure vessels, boilers and shipbuilding. Plate sizes are 0.18 to 25 mm for thickness and widths of 600 - 2060 mm, and can be supplied as coils, plates and conditions can also be rolled or pickled and oiled (HRC-PO). Krakatau Steel has a thermomechanical heat control process and a desulphurisation process using a ladle furnace, which is essential for producing high quality hot rolled steel for special applications. Krakatau Steel manufactures coils and hot plates that are devoted to the automotive industry and require better capability, traction and better surface quality. They are used for automotive frames, wheel discs and rims, as rear, fuel tanks, oil filters, etc. Also included in this group are general drawing applications that can be used outside the automotive industry but have similar requirements, notably good weldability and drawability.
The advantages and disadvantages of White Iron Plate are:
Light and Strong. The iron body has a heavy weight, but the white iron plate has a light weight but does not reduce its strength.
Easy to customize. White iron plate is easy to form such as: bending, cutting, or welding.
The price is more expensive.
It takes longer.


2d (1) 3D (1) ABG (1) agen JNE (1) almari (1) Alufoil (1) Aluminum Foil (1) anilox roll (1) apartemen (1) Atom (1) autocad (1) backdrop logo (1) bagian dalam (1) bangunan (1) batu alam (1) berkualitas (1) bermutu (1) berpengalaman (1) bertingkat (1) birdview (1) black and white (1) botol plastik (1) cafe (1) classic (1) coklat (1) cold rolled sheet (1) Computer To Plate (1) Consumer Understanding (1) control movement (1) counter (1) CTP (1) denah berwarna (1) denah kantor (1) desain (1) desain cuci mobil (1) desain kamar (1) desain produk (1) design (1) Design and Function (1) design meja (1) Design restaurant (1) design rumah (1) di daerah (1) dinding bata (1) dining (1) Duromer (1) Electrons (1) etnik (1) factors (1) flexo packaging (1) flexo printing (1) food (1) furniture (1) gallus (1) gambar (1) gaya modern (1) gloss (1) grc kotak (1) Halftone (1) hanya 550 ribu (1) harga murah (1) hasil cepat (1) hotel (1) industrial (1) injection (1) Injection Mold (1) ink (1) inovatif (1) install (1) interior (1) interior rumah (1) jasa gambar rumah (1) jasa 3d (1) jasa arsitek (1) jasa desain (1) jasa desain 3d (1) jasa design (1) jasa designer (1) jasa gambar (1) kamar tidur (1) kamar tidur anak (1) kampus (1) karaoke (1) kawasan (1) kawasan industri (1) kemasan (1) kerja di rumah (1) kitchen set (1) kontemporer (1) kosan (1) kost (1) krem (1) laci (1) lamination (1) lithography (1) living room (1) livingroom (1) lounge (1) Luscher MultiDX (1) masterplan (1) matt (1) meja kerja (1) metalworking (1) mewah (1) minimalis (1) minimalist (1) modern (1) mold (1) molding (1) Monomer (1) murah (1) murah. (1) Neutron (1) nuansa remaja (1) offset (1) online design (1) open ceiling (1) outdoor (1) overprint (1) pabrik (1) pantai (1) pencahayaan (1) perumahan (1) pesan desain (1) pesan desain toko (1) plug (1) Polimer (1) Polyaddition (1) Polycondensation (1) Polymerization (1) Polystyrene (1) printing ink (1) Product Creation (1) product function (1) produk katalog (1) Protons (1) Raster Image Processor (1) register (1) rendering (1) resepsionis (1) responsibility (1) resto industrial (1) RIP (1) Rotary (1) ruang kantor (1) ruang keluarga (1) ruang kerja (1) ruang tamu (1) ruang tunggu (1) ruko (1) rumah (1) rumah hook (1) rumah susun (1) rumah tropis (1) scandinavian (1) screen printing (1) sederhana (1) sempoa (1) setup (1) simple sederhana (1) specifications (1) spring (1) steel (1) Struktur Plastik (1) suspension (1) sweet home (1) taman (1) tampak (1) tampak rumah (1) Technological Change (1) terbaru (1) termurah (1) toko aksesoris (1) toko asesoris (1) trapping (1) two cavity (1) unscrewing (1) use (1) uv varnish (1) via online (1) website (1)